
I am not sure what dreams mean and so I am going to embark on some research:

First…here are some of the things that I have noticed:

  • I have noticed that I wake up sweating when I have been dreaming, whether or not it is a good dream or a bad dream.
  • I also have trouble waking up sometimes
  • I notice that some dreams correlate to information that I have been thinking about before going to sleep
  • I also notice that if I journal before going to bed I sleep with less dreaming.

Now here is some of the stuff that I have found:

  • Dreams are successions of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that occur usually involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. – The American Heritage Dictionary of the English. 2000.
  • Dreams usually occur in REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement) when the brain is very active.
  • REM sleep consolidates more emotionally related aspects of memory
  • The average person has 3 to 5 dreams a night and the last one is usually the one that has the highest chance of being remembered.
  •  Authentic dreams are ones that reflect memories of the dreamer and create experiences that the person can relate to.  This is significant to the reinforcement of neurological pathways.
  • There is considerable evidence that vivid, intense, or unusual dream content is more frequently recalled
  • There are many theories and opinions about the meaning of dreams:
    • dreams show insight into your hidden desires and emotions
    • dreams assist in memory formation and problem solving
    • dreams are a product of random brain activation
  • Dreams are often interpreted using tools such as a Dream Dictionary, but ultimately dream interpretation should not be taken too seriously.  I found a dream dictionary website at  http://www.paranormality.com/dream_dictionary_f.shtml  It didn’t help me much in interpreting my dream from last night.  I decided to stick with my own intuition to figure out the meaning.

So.   Here was my dream last night:

I dreamed about: Eddie fighting me about moving the kids (all 5 boys) to Hawaii with Jason and the girls.  I was on a plane with Leslie and her mom, Carmen,  and Leslie had baby Noah.  When we got to Hawaii Jason and I had a meeting with a lawyer about him being shocked during a medical treatment.  Ari/Daniela (The girls was both of them), from his office, was the lawyer’s assistant and she was trying to quietly tell us that we were gonna get a huge settlement.  My thoughts wandered to first paying off the house.  On our way out of the office we were headed to a train station.  We were on the platform and I was on the phone while Jason finished talking to Ari/Daniela.  I was talking to Leslie and she was telling me that Noah was projectile puking and could not stop.  I said, You are going to have to take him to the ER and my thoughts led to, “Oh no, what about insurance and paying for the ER visit?” and then I thought, “Oh well, we will have to make payments, he has to go!”  Jason and I were also trying to get things moved out of our old house before time was up.

Without using a dream dictionary I can figure out where some of these things came from…

  • I saw Daniela (Jason’s coworker) at Walmart before I headed home yesterday and I saw a picture of Ari (another one of Jason’s coworkers) on facebook earlier that day too.
  • I was thinking about talking to Eddie about helping me pay for the boys school, (he hasn’t paid for many things for the boys the entire 5.5 years we have been divorced). Why he was giving me trouble about taking all of the boys to Hawaii (including Kalani, Keone, and Austin) I do not understand.
  • I have been wanting to work on finances and paying down/off bills with the Dave Ramsey program. So I can understand that part.
  • Not sure why Jason and I had to see a lawyer.
  • Not sure where Leslie and Carmen fit into the picture except that maybe Leslie and I are supposed to go on a trip?
  • As far as Noah being sick…Well I kinda figured that out today.  It has to do with his mama, Sara.  I am worried about little Kaia in her belly and my response to get Noah to the hospital was alot like my response to her today, “If you  don’t feel baby move…go to triage!” That part of my dream may have been a little residual from her recent hospital visit and maybe a foreshadow of today.
  • And why was I concerned about getting things moved out, was that just a memory of my emotions from when we moved in September?  Was it that traumatic that I am still thinking about it??

Well, let’s see what happens the next time I dream.  Good night for now.


2 thoughts on “Dreams

  • February 3, 2016 at 9:38 pm

    That interpreting of the dream totally makes sense with Sara!

  • February 4, 2016 at 9:58 am

    Yes, it does make sense about Sara…BUT it is a little too scary to be predictive of Noah going to the ER on the same evening!!!

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