Day 5

its Day 5 of getting healthy and its FRIDAY!!!

You know, when you work Monday through Friday Friday is a great day!!!

Do I actually got up with my alarm today.  My sleep was still restless and I had dreams that I don’t remember but I did sleep a little better than the night before.

PIYO Define: Lower Body.  Got through it!  minimal modifications.  I felt better.  I did have to move to the tile because my feet wouldn’t grip well on the carpet and I wanted to work on my form with the leg lifts.

When I finished lower body I still felt like I needed a little more so I started upper body which is for tomorrow.  I made it almost half way through and then I was just….done.

Some things about Define: Upper Body is that it work the core ( I like that), it work uses a lot of wrist work (that hurts a bit, but I know it will get better), my right shoulder is hurting a bit (not consistently, and it was hurting before I started this journey), and I need a better warm up to start the upper body video.  Part of the reason for that is  because the video starts right where Define: Lower Body ends and your body is already warm from that.  But starting upper body from scratch could use the full warm up that they do with the first video.  I will try that tomorrow when I do Define: Upper Body as I am supposed to do.

Eating…well I have decreased the carbs a bit.  Weekends are usually my undoing with carbs so we will see how it goes with the addition of the exercising (which extends into the weekend).  I am going to try to prep food and freeze it for easy access to try to maintain paleo.

I am also looking forward to creating more pages and discussion topics this weekend.

Have a great Friday!!!


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