I am not really feeling much like blogging today but I know that s kinda BS and that I will end up typing my heart out.
Day 6 was productive but motivated by frustration.
Luckily I was able to get the day started right with PIYO Define: Upper Body. I did as I mentioned yesterday and started with a better warm up to get the body ready for the workout. Then I went to do my one mile walk and abs and squats. Part of that was because I missed by mile walk, squats, and abs yesterday. I shouldn’t have missed part of my routine, but I had a great time visiting with Peggy and Pat at the Jaycees clubhouse so I will give myself a small pass.
The motivation for today’s productivity was a letter that Jason and I received in the mail addressed to “Homeowners.” At first I thought it was a letter being sent by an organization to get us to refinance. We have received a lot of those since we purchased our home. I opened the letter to find these words:
“Congratulations, you purchased on of the well-known homes in the Yuma area. I know many people who have admired your house for years. The house has a lot of curb appeal. I would think you should be proud to have this house. However, I do not understand why you don’t? With all the stuff on your patio, cars parked on the lawn and a red and white striped tree you have made a beautiful home that was once admired to an eyesore. Your house is an introduction to the neighborhood and in a few months you have made this wonderful neighborhood that people were proud to live in to, “yikes it is time to sale”.
The letter was not signed. It was mailed through the post office and post marked on February 2. The envelope was typed.
There are many thing that bothered Jason and myself about this letter:
- The person/people who wrote this are cowards and obviously unable to approach us about this letter
- The person has made us unhappily suspicious about all of our neighbors, which makes me very sad because I really liked the neighbors that I have met so far.
- Then…the stuff on the porch. The person is right about that. I have just been too lazy to get it to a donation center. I finally loaded it up and got it to Crossroads Mission this morning. I have been planning to do it and it just has not been a priority.
- The red and white tree. Well. The tree was an eyesore for a long time before we moved in. It is dead and has been so for many years. I painted it red and white and laced it with lights during the holidays. The plan was to cut it down in the spring. Obviously we were not moving on that person’s schedule and getting it cut down soon enough. AND, I was wondering…were they going to pay to have it cut down, or do they have a chainsaw to cut it down?
- The parking on the lawn. Well…let me tell you something. Not one month after we moved in our truck was broken into, and when we parked on the side of the house our car was smashed into by a neighbor coming around the bend too fast. so…sorry if we want to protect our vehicles because we know you are not going to!!!
- Also, if you were so concerned about the entrance to your neighborhood why did you not buy the house? It was on the market for a long time, and we were the only ones who made an offer. Many people looked at it and many people considered buying it at one point or another…well WE did…YOU didn’t!
- Finally, if it is time for you to sell…please do!!! I have an excellent realtor. She is amazing. In fact the funny thing is..she contacted me today to ask if I had any referrals for her of people wanting to buy or sell. I told her about the letter. She couldn’t believe it. I told her that she may want to check out the neighborhood because there may be some people wanting to sell because of us. As far as I am concerned that will be good riddance. We do not need neighbors who are cowards, judgmental, and unwilling to offer assistance if they are concerned about the view of their neighborhood. This is my home! They had an opportunity to purchase it.
Jason and I have discussed it and we both feel that this is an older person who really doesn’t like change. We agreed to remind each other of this incident if we ever find ourselves becoming grouchy old people 🙂
Tomorrow will be a new day. Good night and sweet dreams.