Just wanna write

Hi.  I was just reading some of my older posts.  Life is pretty good right now.  Nothing major going on.  Jason is still recovering from surgery.

Keahi is doing well on his ADHD meds.  I can tell when he doesn’t take them because he is a bit grouchy and mouths off pretty quick but overall he is doing really well. Keahi also has the goal of taking the motorcycle class and is budgeting part of his pay check to be able to pay for it.  He is doing really well with the budgeting thing.  I am really proud of that.

Kai is all about YC.  He is determined that he is going there and does not want to go to any other school. I know that a lot of it has to do with a gal named Kylie but that is totally OK because this gal brings out the best in him.  He is doing well in his classes.  He is showering without us telling him!  WOW, that is huge.  He is cleaning his room without being told.  It is decorated nicely right now.  I told Jason, I like this girl that has him doing these things! He is on a hiatus from soccer right now but he has a good little savings going and he has been paying for his own circle K treats, some for his friends, and for his jump up fees on fridays.

Kalani is becoming more and more of a man every day.  Chris texted the other day talking about how proud of our boys he is.  He said that he is so proud of the man that Kalani has become.  Kalani got his vehicle registered and got insurance on his car.  He pays for liability insurance on his business and takes that responsibility seriously.  I am proud of that.

Keone is home on Spring Break.  He has been having a good time his first year of school and being away from home but he is going to have to pick up the pace for next year.  He will have to get a job and take out student loans.  Time to get him moving more toward adulthood.  It is always hard to tell my boys that they have to grow up, especially Keone.  Jason says that he is My Boy.  I tell him that he is like Jason’s Kira. There has always been a special bond.  I am sure that it came from all of the baseball trips but it is time to start cutting the ties.  He will need help learning to budget when he makes his own money but I have complete faith that he will do well.  He is meant to do well.  No doubt.

Aley surprised me by playing softball.  She was pretty adamant when she started school at Kofa that she was done with softball.  She does well at softball so that is a great bonus.  She is turning 15 and that is a big deal in Hispanic tradition so she is having a party with her family.  I can tell that Aley doesn’t like being here at our home.  She prefers her mom’s house. Sometimes I want to be sad about it but I am happy that she is happy at her mom’s house.  I just wish that she would at least semi-enjoy it here.  She stays in her room the whole time unless she comes out to get food.  More and more I get the serious vibe that she doesn’t like me.  Not sure what I did but the main thing is that it would break Jason’s heart if she was not here.

Kira is getting so big.  She is growing up so fast and she is so smart.  She is Jason’s ray of sunshine.  She adores her daddy and I am so happy for that.  He loves that she still loves to cuddle and she wants to take care of her pops.  I hope that relationship continues because it really is beautiful to see.

My boy away from home…Austin.  Well, we don’t keep in touch consistently but there is never a doubt how he and I feel about each other.  He is my extra blessing!  He is headed down a path full of new adventures.  The Navy and a life with a beautiful woman that he will marry.  I am so happy for him and happy for the future that is to come.

Jason… Jason is my love.  He is a good man.  He wants the best for his family and he always wants to help them become better people.  I know he loves me and that he wants me to be happy.  I hope that I fulfill his dreams.

That’s all I want to say in this post.



Jason is having surgery

It is finally time to have surgery.  Jason hurt his knee while doing some IT work at the beginning of the new year.  He tried physical therapy and it didn’t work.  Actually, that is not completely true.  It made his knee stronger but it did not help with the patellar tendonitis.  So surgery it is.

We arrived ad YRMC outpatient surgery this morning.  I have been nervous all week. He finally showed signs of being very nervous this morning.  HE tried joking while we sat in the car that we didn’t need to be in a rush and that he wasn’t going to go in.  I could see the fear in his eyes and practically hear his heartrate increase.

The fortunate thing is that Dr. Khona was the anesthesiologist and he seemed to understand his fear.  He explained that he will give him a sedative in his IV before putting him under general anesthesia.  Jason’s eyes got big.  He didn’t give his nervousness away to anyone but me.  I let Dr. Khona and his nurse Jocelyn know about his fear and that this is his first surgery.

It all went well.  Jason came to very easily and we had him in the car in about 30 minutes.   We headed to starbucks to get him some food and a coffee.  We settled him in the couch recliner in the living room.  He was able to move and did well the whole day.  we kept him medicated on percocet every 6 hours and ibuprofen in between.

Amy and Sara came and brought us DQ and baby Kaia slept on Uncle Jason’s chest.

It was a good day.

I’m tired

Sometimes we carry the burdens of others on our shoulders.  At least I do.  I remember working in LDRP and having a discussion with Alicia about her life at the time.  I took the conversation and went home and intermittently thought about her.  It was later the next day when I saw her again that I told her that I had been worrying about her.  It was that interaction that helped me to realize that this is one of the gifts that God ha given me.  He ha given me the ability to be concerned about others.  Sometimes there is something that I can do about it.  Sometimes I can’t do anything about it.  But my ability lies in thinking about others, and in doing so I pray for them.  I pray for God to care for them, to guide them, to love them.  This is what I do.

On the down side it is emotionally taxing because as I think about others I stress and worry.

On the upside I am able to exude love, to share my heart with others.  And most importantly I am able to pray and use the gifts that God has given me.

Thank you Lord


RAMA household happenings 2.17.16

Keone’s MRI shows that he has some microfractures, contusions, inflammation, and microcysts around the original scaphoid fracture so we will see what they say at the Dr. office tomorrow.  I personally think he will not need surgery but he may need a cast for a couple more weeks to allow time for complete healing.

I have to have a thyroid ultrasound done tomorrow just to make sure that there are no abnormal nodules.  The last time I had a thyroid ultrasound was about 16 years ago.  Also…my thyroid labs are hopefully headed in the right direction.  They were really out of whack.  I was on Armour Thyroid for many many years at 180, so we switched me to 250 mcg of levothyroxine.  I have to lower to 200mcg now and we will see if it can bring my TSH up (it is still <0.2) but my free T4 is getting closer to normal.  Hopefully we are headed in the right direction.

Kaikai got his first two paychecks and we were able to open his first bank account with his own debit card.  He was very professional a we went through the process.  His first purchase was at circle K where he bought a fountain soda and two waters for his mom.  I have to say, I was impressed that he insisted on putting the larger check into savings and plans on the smaller one lasting about 3 months.  We will see how this goes.

Keahi wa started on meds for ADHD about 3 weeks ago and he is doing really well on them.  In addition to the meds and seeing a psychiatrist he is seeing a counselor also and is learning tool to help with anger, frustration, and concentration.  The thing that has most impressed me with him is that he is so willing to do what is needed to make himself better and to be happy.  It is great to know that he i willing to take advice to better himself.

Kalani is still in Colorado and seems to be doing well.  I miss him very much but I am so proud of how he is moving forward to being a responsible business owner. He is also a car owner now since we signed over the expedition to him!  You go for it son!

Austin is all engaged! and going into the Navy.  Damn, where did my little guy go???  So proud of you.

Aley took the leap and is trying out for softball at Kofa.  She will be playing on the freshman girls softball team.  I am so excited for softball.  I miss having baseball games to go to.  So this is going to be wonderful!

Kira is Kira.  She is our little on that we want to stay little!  I enjoy doing PIYO with her and am looking forward to having her around for the weekend so that she can keep me motivated and work out with me.

My love, Jason…Well he is having surgery on 2/25.  I am hoping that this helps to heal him.  His glucose levels have been all over the place and we need to get them under control.  He needs to get healed with the surgery so that he can get back to being active.  He also needs to eat a consistent diet of fruits, vegetables, and proteins.  The carbs simply have to go.

And we have an additional dog in the house.  Her name is Roxy and she is a shepherd/mutt mix.  Keahi’s friend could not keep her because her dad and step mom said no. We will see if we keep her.    She is sweet and mellow so far.

Night for now…


Dreams addendum

Well, not one hour after I posted the information about dreams yesterday I got a text from Amy that said:

“(we aren’t requesting your presence this time…lol) but just wanted to let you know that we are in the ER with Noah.  He fell off his scooter inside the house…Sara said he was fine then she sat down with him and he fell asleep like 20 minutes later.  When she got up to go to her room he was waking up.  He was unresponsive for about 15 minutes but breathing.  The nurse in the ER got him to wake up when they got here.  They are still checking him out.  He is fun and giggling right now :)”

At the time Amy had not read my post.  I was pretty freaked out.

Here I was thinking that the dream I had was about Sara, (which I still think it was) but then Noah actually does end up in the ER.

I have always known that I have an intuitive nature.  I can read people by their actions, and the tone of their words.  My gut tells me things about situations and the expected outcome.  BUT, I did not expect a dream of mine to give me a clue about a future event such as Noah going to the ER.

Unfortunately that put me in a spot that made me question the rest of my dream.  Why would Jason and I have to see a lawyer?  especially when he was hurt from a procedure (Jason is having surgery on February 25th)  And why was Carmen with Leslie on a plane with me and Jason headed to Hawaii?  Carmen passed away years ago.  Granted the moment she passed Keahi’s plane lifted off headed to Hawaii (he was headed to Explorations) and I just saw his plane take off when I got the call that Carmen had just passed.  And why would that have a place in my dream on that day???

I was worried about falling asleep that night.  I was afraid that I would have a dream that would tell me something about a future event and that I wouldn’t see the signs before they happened.  Then I would feel guilty that I could not forewarn or protect someone that I care about.  I was scared that I would be forced to admit in hindsight that I knew something would happen because I dreamed it.

So needless to say…I slept like crap.  I am expecting to get all of that out right now so that I can let my brain rest and try to get a good night’s sleep.

Wish me luck



I am not sure what dreams mean and so I am going to embark on some research:

First…here are some of the things that I have noticed:

  • I have noticed that I wake up sweating when I have been dreaming, whether or not it is a good dream or a bad dream.
  • I also have trouble waking up sometimes
  • I notice that some dreams correlate to information that I have been thinking about before going to sleep
  • I also notice that if I journal before going to bed I sleep with less dreaming.

Now here is some of the stuff that I have found:

  • Dreams are successions of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that occur usually involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. – The American Heritage Dictionary of the English. 2000.
  • Dreams usually occur in REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement) when the brain is very active.
  • REM sleep consolidates more emotionally related aspects of memory
  • The average person has 3 to 5 dreams a night and the last one is usually the one that has the highest chance of being remembered.
  •  Authentic dreams are ones that reflect memories of the dreamer and create experiences that the person can relate to.  This is significant to the reinforcement of neurological pathways.
  • There is considerable evidence that vivid, intense, or unusual dream content is more frequently recalled
  • There are many theories and opinions about the meaning of dreams:
    • dreams show insight into your hidden desires and emotions
    • dreams assist in memory formation and problem solving
    • dreams are a product of random brain activation
  • Dreams are often interpreted using tools such as a Dream Dictionary, but ultimately dream interpretation should not be taken too seriously.  I found a dream dictionary website at  http://www.paranormality.com/dream_dictionary_f.shtml  It didn’t help me much in interpreting my dream from last night.  I decided to stick with my own intuition to figure out the meaning.

So.   Here was my dream last night:

I dreamed about: Eddie fighting me about moving the kids (all 5 boys) to Hawaii with Jason and the girls.  I was on a plane with Leslie and her mom, Carmen,  and Leslie had baby Noah.  When we got to Hawaii Jason and I had a meeting with a lawyer about him being shocked during a medical treatment.  Ari/Daniela (The girls was both of them), from his office, was the lawyer’s assistant and she was trying to quietly tell us that we were gonna get a huge settlement.  My thoughts wandered to first paying off the house.  On our way out of the office we were headed to a train station.  We were on the platform and I was on the phone while Jason finished talking to Ari/Daniela.  I was talking to Leslie and she was telling me that Noah was projectile puking and could not stop.  I said, You are going to have to take him to the ER and my thoughts led to, “Oh no, what about insurance and paying for the ER visit?” and then I thought, “Oh well, we will have to make payments, he has to go!”  Jason and I were also trying to get things moved out of our old house before time was up.

Without using a dream dictionary I can figure out where some of these things came from…

  • I saw Daniela (Jason’s coworker) at Walmart before I headed home yesterday and I saw a picture of Ari (another one of Jason’s coworkers) on facebook earlier that day too.
  • I was thinking about talking to Eddie about helping me pay for the boys school, (he hasn’t paid for many things for the boys the entire 5.5 years we have been divorced). Why he was giving me trouble about taking all of the boys to Hawaii (including Kalani, Keone, and Austin) I do not understand.
  • I have been wanting to work on finances and paying down/off bills with the Dave Ramsey program. So I can understand that part.
  • Not sure why Jason and I had to see a lawyer.
  • Not sure where Leslie and Carmen fit into the picture except that maybe Leslie and I are supposed to go on a trip?
  • As far as Noah being sick…Well I kinda figured that out today.  It has to do with his mama, Sara.  I am worried about little Kaia in her belly and my response to get Noah to the hospital was alot like my response to her today, “If you  don’t feel baby move…go to triage!” That part of my dream may have been a little residual from her recent hospital visit and maybe a foreshadow of today.
  • And why was I concerned about getting things moved out, was that just a memory of my emotions from when we moved in September?  Was it that traumatic that I am still thinking about it??

Well, let’s see what happens the next time I dream.  Good night for now.


Hello world!

Hi everyone!!!  This website was created by my husband so that I can share the fun and craziness in my life.

The plan is for me to be able to journal and compile some of my multiple interests in one place.

Also…it helps to hold me accountable for the commitments that I make to myself.

Thank you Jason…  You are my favorite!
