Jason is having surgery

It is finally time to have surgery.  Jason hurt his knee while doing some IT work at the beginning of the new year.  He tried physical therapy and it didn’t work.  Actually, that is not completely true.  It made his knee stronger but it did not help with the patellar tendonitis.  So surgery it is.

We arrived ad YRMC outpatient surgery this morning.  I have been nervous all week. He finally showed signs of being very nervous this morning.  HE tried joking while we sat in the car that we didn’t need to be in a rush and that he wasn’t going to go in.  I could see the fear in his eyes and practically hear his heartrate increase.

The fortunate thing is that Dr. Khona was the anesthesiologist and he seemed to understand his fear.  He explained that he will give him a sedative in his IV before putting him under general anesthesia.  Jason’s eyes got big.  He didn’t give his nervousness away to anyone but me.  I let Dr. Khona and his nurse Jocelyn know about his fear and that this is his first surgery.

It all went well.  Jason came to very easily and we had him in the car in about 30 minutes.   We headed to starbucks to get him some food and a coffee.  We settled him in the couch recliner in the living room.  He was able to move and did well the whole day.  we kept him medicated on percocet every 6 hours and ibuprofen in between.

Amy and Sara came and brought us DQ and baby Kaia slept on Uncle Jason’s chest.

It was a good day.

Girl time is important

Growing up I always had a few friends that were important to me.  I was never really part of the IN crowd although everyone knew who I was.  This has followed me  into adulthood.  I have a few friends that I consider to be my best friends.  They are the ones who we do not have to see each other, or even talk to each other for long periods of time but we will be able to pick up right where we left off.  Peggy, Leslie, Djai, Kayla (Bug), Stephanie, Wendy, Jamie.  It is wonderful having these women in my life.

I read something one time about nurturing your female friendships.  I always thought that I got along better with males but I came to realize that this isn’t the case, I am just not close to many women.  The ones that I am truly close to are so special in my life.  I do not need a large group of women to maintain my identity but those few special ones keep me grounded in an acceptance and love for each other.  These women are a blessing beyond words.

I also want to mention that this does not include the bond that I have with my FRamily.  Those women…Pua, Jackie, Soo, Sara, Amy, my mom (Cathy), and Buna are on a completely different level and they make my heart happy as my Ohana.

I can’t express my love for all of the special people who have touched my life in any way.  They have shaped my life into who I am and I feel blessed to have them come into my life.

Last one for the night

I got up this morning and did the PIYO Define: Lower Body. That was a good choice.  I have seen the video multiple times but I picked up on something new today.  Chalene mentions how it is good to use that video to realign yourself, to concentrate on your form.  I used the positions to stretch and move my body.  It was really, really good.

And then…I ate so many flippen carbs today!  I HAVE to do better tomorrow.  I also need to spend this weekend food prepping for the long haul!  Maybe we can go buy the freezer this weekend.

Tomorrow PIYO Define Upper Body, maybe I will add the lower body too.  we’ll see


Missing my sister

It is so weird how we got to a place that I would miss her so much.  I remember when we didn’t really get along.  I felt that she was judgmental and she didn’t approve of the choices I made in my life.  But all of that changed in many ways.

I remember when she cried and apologized for judging me and the way that I parent.  All I could do was tell her ‘I understood and that I loved her.  I knew that she couldn’t understand until she had her own children and faced some of the trials that I faced.

I remember holding hands over daddy with the feeling of death in his hospital room.  I remember crying together because each of us had things that we were jealous of one another for.

I also remember when she stuck by me through my divorce.  She knew long before I did that Eddie was not the right person for me.  She stood beside me, not beside him, but always beside me.

I also remember how we started to spend more time together and have deeper conversations about things like nursing, accepting each other for who we truly are (me being ridicuously forgiving, and her for having trouble forgiving), raising kids and the concerns that parents have, missing our daddy, worrying about mom, and all of the things that sisters talk about.  But we didn’t start talking about those things until we were much older.

Finally, I remember the bond that formed between her and my husband Jason.  It was that love, acceptance, and understanding of each other that helped me and her forge a very strong bond.  I am so thankful for that because my wonderful husband helped make the ties between me and my sister super strong.

I miss you Pu Doll.  I wish you lived closer.

Aloha… Loke

I’m tired

Sometimes we carry the burdens of others on our shoulders.  At least I do.  I remember working in LDRP and having a discussion with Alicia about her life at the time.  I took the conversation and went home and intermittently thought about her.  It was later the next day when I saw her again that I told her that I had been worrying about her.  It was that interaction that helped me to realize that this is one of the gifts that God ha given me.  He ha given me the ability to be concerned about others.  Sometimes there is something that I can do about it.  Sometimes I can’t do anything about it.  But my ability lies in thinking about others, and in doing so I pray for them.  I pray for God to care for them, to guide them, to love them.  This is what I do.

On the down side it is emotionally taxing because as I think about others I stress and worry.

On the upside I am able to exude love, to share my heart with others.  And most importantly I am able to pray and use the gifts that God has given me.

Thank you Lord


RAMA household happenings 2.17.16

Keone’s MRI shows that he has some microfractures, contusions, inflammation, and microcysts around the original scaphoid fracture so we will see what they say at the Dr. office tomorrow.  I personally think he will not need surgery but he may need a cast for a couple more weeks to allow time for complete healing.

I have to have a thyroid ultrasound done tomorrow just to make sure that there are no abnormal nodules.  The last time I had a thyroid ultrasound was about 16 years ago.  Also…my thyroid labs are hopefully headed in the right direction.  They were really out of whack.  I was on Armour Thyroid for many many years at 180, so we switched me to 250 mcg of levothyroxine.  I have to lower to 200mcg now and we will see if it can bring my TSH up (it is still <0.2) but my free T4 is getting closer to normal.  Hopefully we are headed in the right direction.

Kaikai got his first two paychecks and we were able to open his first bank account with his own debit card.  He was very professional a we went through the process.  His first purchase was at circle K where he bought a fountain soda and two waters for his mom.  I have to say, I was impressed that he insisted on putting the larger check into savings and plans on the smaller one lasting about 3 months.  We will see how this goes.

Keahi wa started on meds for ADHD about 3 weeks ago and he is doing really well on them.  In addition to the meds and seeing a psychiatrist he is seeing a counselor also and is learning tool to help with anger, frustration, and concentration.  The thing that has most impressed me with him is that he is so willing to do what is needed to make himself better and to be happy.  It is great to know that he i willing to take advice to better himself.

Kalani is still in Colorado and seems to be doing well.  I miss him very much but I am so proud of how he is moving forward to being a responsible business owner. He is also a car owner now since we signed over the expedition to him!  You go for it son!

Austin is all engaged! and going into the Navy.  Damn, where did my little guy go???  So proud of you.

Aley took the leap and is trying out for softball at Kofa.  She will be playing on the freshman girls softball team.  I am so excited for softball.  I miss having baseball games to go to.  So this is going to be wonderful!

Kira is Kira.  She is our little on that we want to stay little!  I enjoy doing PIYO with her and am looking forward to having her around for the weekend so that she can keep me motivated and work out with me.

My love, Jason…Well he is having surgery on 2/25.  I am hoping that this helps to heal him.  His glucose levels have been all over the place and we need to get them under control.  He needs to get healed with the surgery so that he can get back to being active.  He also needs to eat a consistent diet of fruits, vegetables, and proteins.  The carbs simply have to go.

And we have an additional dog in the house.  Her name is Roxy and she is a shepherd/mutt mix.  Keahi’s friend could not keep her because her dad and step mom said no. We will see if we keep her.    She is sweet and mellow so far.

Night for now…


Time to catch up/restart

Hola everyone… (Keone)

Well it has been an entire week since I posted.  I have been busy as heck because I was working at the Yuma Jaycees 71st Annual Silver Spur Rodeo.  I was recruited by one of my best friends, Peggy.  he asked me to help run the VIP booth.  I had to make sure the place stayed filled with food and that the sponsors and contestants were well cared for.

There were a few things that I found this weekend.  It was a reminder how hard the Jaycees work at the events that they are involved in.  I was able to reconnect with some old friends.  And that I am so very thankful for Peggy’s friendship.  It can be days, months, years…it doesn’t matter because we will pick up right where we left off!  As we have always said, “It’ll do what it’ll do” or…”B to the fourth power (big boobs, big brains!).  I love you Peggy!

After that hard worked weekend I was dragging!  I mean really dragging.  I could barely function on Monday.  I decided to just sleep til the last minute and then get ready for work.  Today was better BUT I did not do good with PIYO.  So I decided that I had to take more than a week step back and go back to PIYO Define Lower Body.  The reason for this decision is because I need to get back to feeling better with my form and also to feel accomplished with completing a workout.  This is because it is a shorter one but it will make me feel accomplished and sometimes that is a very import aspect of continuing with a health plan.

So, tomorrow morning.  back to the beginning, PIYO Define: Lower Body

Night all…(Keone)


Ash Wednesday

So… for Ash Wednesday I did good at one thing… I didn’t eat meat.

I started out my day with PIYO; Define: Upper Body.  I found myself modifying it, not following Michelle, just modifying it to make it a little more challenging and to add more stretching.  It wan’t giving me what I wanted for my upper body.

Then came my eating… BAD!  yes, I was good about not eating meat but I was unable to fast for a meal like we are supposed to and I ate TWO ice cream sandwiches.  I also made grilled cheese sandwiches out of sourdough and two types of cheese.  So, I was up in carb heaven.  Bad Loke!

And…I have been bad about doing my mile walk for three days straight.

Alright…I am putting my shoes back on and I am going for my mile walk now.

Also…I have figured out what I am giving up for lent… ice cream.  I am also going to try very hard to stay away from bread, rice, and pasta.  Those are my downfalls.  The other things I need to stay away from are cookies and cakes.  I am not a big candy fan but I love chocolate.

Alright…I jut realized what I said above… I am going to do paleo for lent!  I am going to see how that plus my exercise program will benefit me.  Since I am going to cut out the carbs I might as well go paleo.  Can’t bullshit the bullshitter!  My body needs this, and my spirit needs this too.  I need to be healthy and I am going to enjoy my Catholicism at the same time.

Heading out to walk… chat with you soon.


Missed a day

I was informed by my son, Keone, that I missed a day of blogging.  I don’t have a good excuse except that I was busy cleaning.  I did PIYO: Core and that was awesome.  It felt great and I felt strong through the core all day.

I had to switch to sit on an exam stool, like the one the doctors use.  It was comfortable and made me maintain good posture.

I went to the Jaycees Rodeo meeting because rodeo is this weekend.  It was great saying hi to old friends.  Peggy is stressed.  Pat is sick an hi dad is in the hospital.  I went to bed saying prayer for their family.

My Kaikai was sick with a fever during the say so he stayed home.  I hate it when my kiddos don’t feel well.

After the Rodeo meeting I had too much energy so I did all of the dishes and finished all of the laundry and folded all of it.  All while I listened to my audio book.  I have to say, that is one of the best things that Jason got me into.  I really enjoy listening to audio books.  It takes me to another place and I listen to them for hours while I clean and organize things.

That is all about yesterday.
